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Our electronics Bench is moved from the Orange Bay> Electronics Area. More than just the availability of superior technology for testing, there are like minded interesting people to find collaboration with. It is now to the left past the entry door to the areas rear of the Orange Bay

General access and usage requirements. Completion of GO class.

This equipment requires signoff to use: Reflow oven (surface mount soldering), Battery welder.

General Use:

Introduction to Electronics - Classes live online

(In Building classes under discussion.)

EL_P01: Introduction to Basic Electronic Circuits - Online

EL_P02: Introduction to Arduino Microcontrollers using TinkerCA

EL_P03: Intro to Sensors with Arduino using TinkerCAD - Online

EL_P04: Intro to LEDS using TinkerCAD - Online

Schedule for these classes is on Meetup.

Typically EL_P:01 is on the second Thursday each month at 7 p.m. - 9 p.m..

EL_P:02-04 rotate monthly on the 4th Thursdays in the month.


Classes can also be scheduled at times mutually convenient to instructor and student, and paid via donation, not via signup.

Details: Hands-on learning with both real components, breadboard, and testing equipment. Makes great connections for using the Nova Labs Electronics Toolbench.

  1. Students are introduced to the basic electronics concepts using TinkerCAD Circuits' amazing electronics simulator. Build and experiment with electronic circuits in a visually accurate, functional simulator that is designed for easy use. No components to buy, no soldering. With TinkerCAD you can learn to work with a variety of components, breadboards, test instruments, sensors and there are even Arduinos and displays you can program (not covered in the basic class).

  2. Get hands-on practice by building with real components.

Prerequisites: None. These are adult classes, but beginners of all ages are welcome.

Preparation/Tools: You'll need to sign up for a free account at Tinkercad before class. • TinkerCAD is a web based simulator, you do not have to download anything. You do have to make an account with login. After you are logged in the circuits is below the 3D CAD. •

Register for an account: Go to web page

Virtual Classroom Access: Zoom link will be visible to registrants upon sign-up under the 'location' info. You should get confirmation email with link too.

***The instructor has selected that all proceeds for this class will be donated to Nova Labs.

***Refund and Events Policy:

Instructor: Nick Carter is an Electronics Engineer, retired after 50 years of working in engineering design, test and management.

Contact at [email protected]

The following to be reviewed/revised

Aoyue Soldering Station

Basic Soldering Skills Class - not currently scheduled

Electronic Tools

List of Basic Components in the Electronics Area

Electronics Bench Equipment