Sign-off Classes

This type of class permits to use of tools at Nova Labs. Permission to use tools independently is called a tool “Sign-off”. A sign-off is either on a specific tool or a group of tools. Some tools are considered minor and authorization to use those tools is given when a member takes the GO New Member Orientation class.

More information and a list of current sign-offs are found in the Member Handbook.

Safety Sign-off classes

Two-step tool sign-off classes. The class is the first step, however, a project or proficiency demonstration to an authorized steward or instructor will also be required before receiving the documented sign-off. After the first step, permission to use the tools only when supervised is conferred. Permission to use the tool independently is conferred after the 2nd part of the sign-off.

More information and a list of current sign-offs are found in the Member Handbook.

Project Classes

Multi-session Classes


Online Class