- All Guest must have signed up for the Tour or sign a waiver prior to the tour
- Guest should not enter beyond the front desk without the signed waiver
- If the tour is very large and may inconvenience or infringe on the members using the laser, 3d, or Crafters Cove shops, the number of guests entering the shop should be limited. Members do not get a choice in when tours come through so due consideration not to make them feel cornered or put at risk by overly limited social distance is appreciated.
- In the shop area beyond the shop door, guests should stay well away from tools being used actively.
- If venturing from the Shop pathway, guest must have safety glasses and closed toed shows to protect eyes and feet.
- If the Mixed Media shop is active, guest should either remain on the shop pathway or wait for a pause and permission to enter. This area is small so safe distancing is not possible.
- If entering the blacksmith shop when forges are active, active hammering must be paused. The tour guide should enter first, with safety glasses on, and let the blacksmithers know that a tour is entering and wait for permission to proceed safely with the group.
- The tour group size inside the blacksmith shop should be reasonable and safe so all guests can maintain a safe distance from the forges.