Crafters Cove started out as a General Low Tech Cafters / Makers meetup in Dec 2013, meeting on every other Friday night which we called Makers Circle & Art Lab. So you will find many tools labeled MC&AL .

We met on opposite weeks from Game NIght and eventually it became Gaming w / Crafters & MC/AL w gamers.... until finally it was Makers Circle & Art Lab - Makers Social every Fri night

Our Fri night event suffered an extended hiatus due to Covd 19 starting in March 2020

We have a wooden cabinet called the "MC & AL Tools Center" that was created by Makers Circle & Art Lab participants who modified / re-purposed a large entertainment center. This kicked off the Crafters Cove area, along with our Supply Cabinet, Industrial embroidery machine and two sewing machines.

Because making spans many skill sets, frequently makers in one area need a wide variety of tools or skills in order to complete their projects. Also creative makers may not find tools they need in the bigger / dedicated shop areas. Sometimes they need the same tools - but cleaner, or more accesible to where they are working.

So in Crafters Cove we have tools that fit into different areas of need - please see our tools lists, areas of interest and support pages.

If you find a need for tools that crafters, craftsmen, and artists can use that are not covered by the woodshop, metalshop,blacksmiths, laser cutter, green way , composites, 3-d printing, electronic, CAD groups maybe we can help. Just let us know and we'll see if it is something we can fit in or make room for.

—written by Carrie Hafer circa 2020