The purpose of the Operations Committee is to oversee and coordinate the activities and operations of Nova Labs, including membership, facilities, equipment, and internal activities. The committee will propose and implement policies related to the operation of Nova Labs.
The Operations Committee will assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to the membership, facilities, equipment, and internal activities consistent with the Board’s long-term goals. These subjects include—but are not limited to—the operation of the various maker groups and equipment that operate within Nova Labs (“Shops”), the maker groups that focus on specific topics of interest within Nova Labs, management of Nova Labs facilities, management of Nova Labs equipment, education of Nova Labs members, safety, and member management.
The Operations Committee will consist of five members chosen for one-year terms by a vote of the Key Membership of Nova Labs. The committee will have three officers to be chosen by and from the committee members: a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. Vacancies that open during a term will be filled by the committee.
The Operations committee will create, approve, and oversee policies related to the use, maintenance, and operation of equipment and shops at Nova Labs.
The Operations committee will have the authority to set member policies, excluding member dues (see Bylaws section 5.3).
The Operations committee will have the authority to maintain, operate, and allocate Nova Labs facilities and digital infrastructure, including canceling or halting any Nova Labs activity or use of space.
The Operations committee will have the authority to approve Nova Labs members.
The Operations committee will have the authority to purchase items and bind the organization in contract within the charter scope and subject to the Finance Committee’s policies.
The committee may choose to empanel subcommittees and delegate authorities in order to more efficiently operate in accordance within the charter scope.
The Operations Committee will provide budget proposals for the operation of Nova Labs. The committee may subdivide the budget proposals as necessary. The budget proposals will be submitted on a periodic basis as set forth by the Finance Committee.