Role Description
Generally, the makerspace helpers are a team of members who are known to "work the front desk". They do more than that, but it is the primary visible function of the role. We really need some help with hospitality and greeting people as they come in. It really makes a difference to have someone saying hello and giving a friendly greeting to members and guests as they come in. However, the Helpers also assist with roundups or tasks around the makerspace, do special projects, help with events, refill stock, check on supplies, maintain the rooms, and support events/classes.
Shifts are 3 hours each, Weekends 12 pm - 3 pm or Weekdays 5:30 (or 6) pm to 8:30 or 9 pm.
Regular Duties Checklist:
- Remove the bills from the glass jar and add to the safe
- Refill the soda in the fridge from the white cupboard
- Refill the snacks on the concession rack in the baskets
- Clear things off the round table and the kitchen counter that should not be there
- Refill the water fountain cups for OB and Robotics area
- Back by the metal shop sink, refill the ear plug jar, and relocate to the safety table with safety glasses
- Check the #team-mops-mob channel for tasks related to that day
- Clean off the front desk of items that should not be on the front desk. Like pants, tools, jackets on the chair, floor debris, etc
- Classroom Reset:
- Classroom 1: Straighten or return chairs to the tables. 3 chairs per table in classroom 1, 2 extra chairs can be folded in the back of the room.
- Classroom 2: 3 black folding chairs per table.
- Return rolling chairs to Orange Bay; return green chairs to events bay stack.
- Clear the INSTRUCTOR TABLE of all items except authorized items such as remote control, wipes
- Check marker holder on whiteboard s stocked with eraser, 2 black, and a few color makers. Make sure they work.