
The Infrastructure Subcommittee is responsible for the overall maintenance of the facilities and spaces owned or leased by Nova Labs, compliance with laws and regulations related to physical property, and maintenance of the electronic and software infrastructure that supports Nova Labs operations.


The subcommittee will have at minimum three officers: a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.  If necessary, multiple officer positions may be held by one person.  The committee may have as many additional members or officer positions as they choose.


The Infrastructure Committee will have the power to close the physical plant (Nova Labs property) based on safety or construction restrictions.

The Infrastructure Committee will maintain the buildings and property of Nova Labs.

The Infrastructure Committee will maintain the equipment and tools that exist on Nova Labs property that do not fall under the purview of a shop (e.g., the HVAC system and common areas).

The Infrastructure Committee will maintain the software and software licenses that support Nova Labs operations.

The Infrastructure Committee will maintain the electronic infrastructure that supports Nova Labs operations (e.g., cameras, networks, wifi, and computers).

The Infrastructure Committee will ensure that Nova Labs remains in compliance with Federal and local laws and regulations related to the physical plant and IT systems (e.g., the fire extinguishers, ramp access, PII).

Policy Responsibilities

The Infrastructure Subcommittee will originate and propose policy related to safe operation of physical property owned or leased by Nova Labs.

The Infrastructure Subcommittee will originate and propose policy related to the common areas of Nova Labs not associated with a shop.

The Infrastructure Subcommittee will originate and propose policy related to the laws and regulations that relate to the physical property and IT owned or leased by Nova Labs.

The Infrastructure Subcommittee will originate and propose policy related to the electronic and information system infrastructure supporting Nova Labs.


The Infrastructure subcommittee will provide budget proposals related to the care and maintenance of Nova Labs controlled property and enterprise software.  The Chair may divide the budget proposals as necessary.  The budget proposals will be submitted on a periodic basis as set forth by the Finance Committee.