How to Submit Receipts for Materials - if claiming only
Per the FINANCE Team, the payment request and receipt must arrive together when presented to the approving authority and bookkeeper for payment.
- Click Forward
- Note that FORWARDING means the Instructor Form PDF (Formbot) stays as an attachment AND the subject remains the same. Urgently important!!
- Attach a picture or file with the receipt (s) to the message
- This will result in the PDF version of the form, plus a .jpg or pdf version of your receipts being attached in the same message
- FORWARD this message and all attachments to [email protected]
- The Nova Labs president and treasurer REQUIRES that all receipts match the Materials amount claimed on the form EXACTLY. Receipts cannot be for partial amounts, scratched out, or altered or it is invalid. Do not mix and match, do not buy more and then use a small portion. If this situation is necessary, then please add the materials to the class price so you can recover your costs.
- Note that if Nova Labs has purchased the materials for this class, you must not add the cost of materials to the form. If you buy material in bulk, this is fully supported by the process. Plan your purchases so you do not exceed the income of the class. But you may add the bulk amount to one or more classes, but use the materials across multiple classes. Contact @Adele Jazet-Paarlberg or @Jennyfer Peterson if you need further guidance. The intention is to support bulk purchases.