Arts, Craft, and Prop Making for Cosplay or Theater

Many parents ask how they can use the lab to support their more artistic child.

Is Making all about the "T" in STEM? What about the "A" in STEAM? Yes, this one is a little tougher until you jump into the tech infested water and realize these same tools can also be used by art and craft makers.

Anime, Cosplay, and prop classes - Offered when we can find mentors. We've done hair dying, watched movies, made Key Swords on the laser cutter, etc. Look out for classes on the Meetup.

Costuming, Cosplay, and Prop Making go hand in hand with Theater arts and set design. Don't let your lack of skills stop you from working toward your goals. We have tools and shops to help you get started. And Members who have a wide range of skills to bounce ideas off of.

Makers Circle & Art Lab - Friday nights. See the meetup. Bring you project. There is frequently really good cookies, too. Mending Mondays to get sewing help from.

Cosplay and Costuming in general are supported. We occasionally have the International Costumers - local chapter meet at Nova Labs.

Look under:

Outside of Crafters Cove - you may want use of the Laser Cutters, Thermo-Former, Mixed Media shops, 3-D printing, Electronics and theStudiio & Projects Classroom.